Friday, November 2, 2012

snowblower for stern

This is just an odd ad.. This is just an odd ad (hey, he repeated himself).  This guy apparently bought 6 snowblowers last year hoping to sell them when snow broke.  Last year in chicago was so mild (it barely snowed), so he got stuck with these.  Now he's moving to florida, so obviously he doesn't need snowblowers.  He wants to trade one or two, perhaps the whole lot for pinball (because he's a 25 year collecter collector).  He would also sell sepurately separately.  $1500 value for 6 snowblowers?  $250/each is a bit high, I mean they're mostly toros, and the handles look a little rusted.

Anyway, if your in the market for an army of snowblowers, and you have a pinball you don't want anymore, contact this guy!

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