Tuesday, October 16, 2012


So this ad is just as bad as the mati hari for $800 in the area.  I think I've seen this ad weekly for at LEAST 6 months or more.  This guy is selling a paddock (single player EM) which in my opinion doesn't have much value (no matter what american pickers thinks).  If I own a pin to have in a collection, it's going to get played.. by more than just me.  That seems a bit limiting, let's move on. He claims all bells, lights, and chimes work.  I don't know if that means functioning 100%, or it just lights up and makes noise?  He also shows a photo where he has "for some reason" written (I'm guessing high scores?) on the backglass with permanent marker, but says it can be removed with some acetone?  He has also repainted the cabinet.  Granted he at least matched the same shapes, but he decided to choose new colors (perhaps these are colors he happened to have in his workshop?)  None-the-less, this is far from being worth $750, see for yourself:

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